Channel: Gemstones
Category: Education
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Description: Emily Dickinson, Thomas Hood, and Eugene Lee-Hamilton. What do all these people have in common? If you said anything along the lines of creating wonderous worlds through written text, you would be partially correct! Join Rob as he visits famous poems to see if he can unearth some gemstones. If you were a poet, which gemstone would be your muse? Let us know in the comments! Subscribe to Check out our Gemopedia: is one of the leading experts on gemstones and is the best source on YouTube for all things gem related. Featuring gem history, the science behind the stones, gemstones in pop culture, and much more, you too can become a gemology expert by immersing yourself in the channel. Robert has his Cert GA from the Gemmological Association of Great Britain. Website: Facebook: Instagram: #Gemstones #Poetry #Gold #Pearl #Ruby